AMURT Romania
AwarenessPresentation about “Active Democratic Participation”....
Good PracticesWorkshop studying village strategy programs and do a social and business research...
CampaignRacial discrimination prevention and tolerance campaign for school students ...
Spring FestivalA cultural identity promotion day with local food, culture and art ...
Self-EmploymentWorkshop how to become an entrepreneur with the help of creating a business plan ...
ConferencePROUT Conference to contest the villages best business plan ...
An EEA Grants supported project to reduce poverty among Roma and other ethnic groups by facilitating the practice of democratic citizenship, multiculture dialogue and increasing employment opportunities.
Download PDF press release 2014 (EN) Download PDF press release 2014 (RO)
Download PDF press release 2016 (EN) Download PDF press release 2016 (RO) Photo Gallery Photos & PDF 2014-2016
The objectives are focusing on (1) developing abilities of active participation among minimum 240 ethnic persons, (2) increase the tolerance and multicultural dialogue among minimum 160 children/youth, (3) promote events about cultural identity, and to (4) incourage jobs creation and ensure a sustainable development for the four communities.
The active participation is approached from two perspectives: (1) political/civic democracy which includes gained skills, attitude and behaviors attesting good practice of democratic citizenship, and (2) economic democracy based on Progressive Utilization Theory (PROUT) principles that encourage economic cooperation, democratic control and access to the resources, mutual support for local businesses e.g “chain business" or "domino business" - known as LETS system (Local Exchange Trading System).
Expected Results: Amongst 240 members from different minority groups to gain skills and practices (1) in pro-active involvement in local life, and (2) to promote their own culture.
Amongst 80 members to gain entrepreneurship knowledge and skills that will be exercised in a competitive environment, and 160 children and young people from local schools to learn about tolerance and non-discriminatory behavior.
About EEA Grants
Through the EEA Grants and Norway Grants, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway contribute to reducing social and economic disparities and to strengthening bilateral relations with the benefi ciary countries in Europe. The three countries cooperate closely with the EU through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA).
Expected Results: Amongst 240 members from different minority groups to gain skills and practices (1) in pro-active involvement in local life, and (2) to promote their own culture.
Amongst 80 members to gain entrepreneurship knowledge and skills that will be exercised in a competitive environment, and 160 children and young people from local schools to learn about tolerance and non-discriminatory behavior.
About EEA Grants
Through the EEA Grants and Norway Grants, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway contribute to reducing social and economic disparities and to strengthening bilateral relations with the benefi ciary countries in Europe. The three countries cooperate closely with the EU through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA).
The project is funded by EEA Grants 2009-2014 under NGO Funds in Romania, component Social Justice and subcomponent Ethnic Rural Community Development.